SCARLET presented at Jicable 2023
SCARLET representatives Arnaud Allais from Nexans France and Christian-Eric Bruzek from ASG Superconductors presented the project at the International Conference on Insulated Power Cables Jicable’23 that took place in Lyon, France from the 18th to the 22nd of June 2023.
SCARLET was featured in two presentations of session E9, namely “Superconducting Cables for Europe’s Energy Transition” and “MVDC MgB2 superconducting cables for hybrid power transmission”. The first presentation provided an overview of the main demonstration topics in SCARLET, highlighting the innovations and challenges for connecting renewable energy plants to the grid with MVDC superconducting cables. The second presentation focused on the combination of liquid hydrogen and superconducting cables as a unique opportunity to distribute hydrogen and bulk electricity in the same infrastructure. After highlighting the benefits of this approach for green transportation systems and energy-intensive industries, the various grid architectures and possible cable designs for different applications were briefly discussed. The two presentations were met with a high amount of interest from the audience and were both followed by a lively Q&A session.
Jicable’23 is the leading international forum for the exchange of information in the fields of research, industrial development, installation, operation and diagnosis relating to insulated power cables and their accessories, from low-voltage and special cables to ultra-high-voltage cable links and new technologies. Jicable’23 allowed for in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art and future perspectives on new materials, evolution of technologies, improvement in manufacturing process, maintenance policies and remaining life estimation, standardisation, dielectric phenomena, thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour, digital simulation, testing methods, diagnosis, new innovative solutions for high-power transmission, and new applications at different voltage levels.